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Risk Factor

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In factor investing, the term ‘factor premium’ can be replaced with ‘risk factor’ or ‘risk premium’, on the supposition that a factor premium represents compensation for higher risk.

However, the question remains as to whether the premiums actually represent compensation for higher risk or whether other aspects also play a role. If the first is true, the term risk factor is appropriate. This is in line with the belief in an efficient market, where returns and risk go hand in hand.

However, Robecostocks prefers the term ‘factor premium’, as it is not always necessary to take more risk to earn such premiums. The most familiar example is the low-volatility factor (low vol). While investors actually take less risk using this factor, the returns they can expect match the market.

Aggregated Fixed Income

Our 4 stepsApproach

Here’re our 4 Steps approaches to the Aggregated Fixed Income

Step 1

We gather fundamental inputs, analyzing major economies and placing them in cyclical context, looking at interest rate cycles and credit spread cycles. The result of the analysis is the Global Macro Quarterly Outlook, which the portfolio manager will leverage to help identify cyclical drivers and opportunities across fixed income classes.



Step 2

We discuss and agree on where we believe different fixed-income sectors sit within a cyclical framework. This forms the foundation for our strategic Fixed Income asset allocation positions.






Step 3

We believe it is vital for overall portfolio risk to be managed in its totality on an ongoing basis. We take into account investment restrictions and specific fund guidelines when constructing and monitoring the portfolio, and besides standard portfolio risk measures, we use Robeco’s proprietary RiskPoints approach to measure portfolio credit spread risk as well as the Global Macro team’s DurationPoints to look at beta-adjusted rates exposure.


Step 4

The final step is portfolio implementation. We have segregated functions for portfolio management and execution, with different teams comprising portfolio managers, portfolio engineers and traders. Portfolio managers give clear instructions while our portfolio engineering and trading team is responsible for portfolio implementation. This division of responsibilities allows portfolio managers to focus on their core role.

Business Services

We Believe We Will Be Successful
If Our Clients Are Successful.

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  • Mergers and acquisitions

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  • Financial Projections

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  • Organizational design

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  • Corporate Finance

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  • Risk management

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